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![]() EngrI 1120 - Student Advice from Fall 2012 ![]() The EngrI 1120 students were surveyed during the final week of classes in Fall 2012. The last question was "What advice do you offer to a freshman starting this course in August 2013? Here are their recommendations. "Do not drop EngrI 1120 at the beginning of the semester because it seems difficult. Stay in the class for at least a month; you may find that you enjoy the material." "* Do not let Professor Duncan scare you!! * The course is not easy, but you got into Cornell which means you are smart enough. Be confident in your abilities even if everyone around you seems smarter. If you don't understand, don't be afraid to ask." "Be proactive when beginning your homework and read the textbook." "Do all your homework. Don't rely on your teammates. Go to office hours. Keep all your homework. Stay organized. Keep all your worksheets." "Don't forget your colored pencils." "Figure out if this class is really for you early on. Do every homework problem yourself and don't just let your teammates carry you. Only that way will you actually learn the material and find out if you want to be a ChemE." "Don't be afraid to reach out for help. You won't be the only one to find out the problems are difficult." "Be prepared to do hard work and teamwork. Also get ready for a really fun and great class." "Stick with it and work hard - it's worth it!" "Do every homework problem. That way you will be prepared for the tests." "Make friends with as many people in this class as you can - you will see a lot of them!" "Make sure you use your homework teams to learn the material as it appears on homeworks, not the night before the test." "Take advantage of office hours, but don't rely on them. Make sure your team is functional or homework will be much harder and much more frustrating." "Learn from your homework team members. No matter who is in your group, you can be sure of one thing: you are in a group of really intelligent, capable people. Take advantage of this!" "If you don't understand something, speak up early. Don't be ashamed; it's a group learning environment." "Don't let the work scare you away. This class is really interesting and you don't want to miss out if you are interested in chemical engineering." "Don't be discouraged by the statistics shown by Professor Duncan. Yes, it is challenging and heavy-loaded but you can do well." "Professor's and TA's office hours are really helpful. Go to them and seek help. The are really friendly and helpful." "If you have any desire to study chemical engineering whatsoever, take this class. It was my favorite freshman fall class, and the skills you learn are beneficial for any major. Also you will meet new people and be incredibly amused on many occasions. The TA's are awesome." "Take advantage of office hours." "It will seam a little overwhelming at first, but when you work through it, it was a lot of fun. This class is challenging, but you definitely learn a lot both on chemical engineering and life." "Don't let designs scare you. Always ask for help if you need it. Office hours are basically vital!" "Make sure you try every homework problem by yourself first, and make sure you can do it fully by yourself. Start going to Office Hours (TA's and Professor Duncan's) early in the year - get into the habit." "Do not fight yourself. You are capable of learning, understanding, and executing ... please don't be your worst enemy but your greatest ally." "Office hours are so helpful and collaboration with your team and other teams is essential to learning. You can't do it all on your own. I would say don't worry if you don't get it at first, you will learn in this class - it gets easier." "Do not fall behind and actively participate in Calculation Sessions and your group homeworks." "Be explicit about team agreements and expectations. Always ask if you don't understand. Work practice problems to study and become comfortable with the material." "Start homework early and study early. Ask! Even if it seems silly. Go to office hours. The TA's are helpful / are cool people!" "Keep a nice, organized binder. You get papers in lecture and in calculation sessions. Also you get homework back. THIS IS A TON OF PAPERS / HANDOUTS. Organize it by date, lecture, hmwk and calc sessions, or whatever method you find helpful." "Find a group to do work with that you get along with. Go to office hours every week." "Whatever graphs or figures the Professor presents to prove that this class has the biggest workload and the lowest mean grade, don't' drop the class." "Do not zone out during lecture if you are an auditory (verbal) learner. I understand the class is very early, but if you pay attention during lecture, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the material and you won't have to study long hours for the prelim or struggle with the homework questions." "It is a lot of work, but you will not notice it when you have fun with your team and in class. You learn a lot and will get a good idea of the career. Stick with it." "Seek help when you are stuck. The TA's are great in helping you. Make use of homework groups." "Don't be intimidated by this course (or Professor Duncan) and just work hard. Ask for help if you need to. Office hours are the best thing ever." "Prepare to work hard ... very hard." "Start the homework early in the week and go to the TA office hours!" "Do not get discouraged - if you are in the College of Engineering, you are qualified." "Make friends early in this class. If you haven't by the prelims/final you will wish you had." "Stick with this class. It is hard but worth it. Find a good group of friends in the class to help with everything." "Struggle through the exercises on your own first, then go to your homework group for answers to questions." "Work with others and you should definitely go to office hours. Do all the homework problems. They may seem time consuming but they guarantee you will learn the material. Colorful pens are absolutely necessary!" "Buy a ruler and a hole punch! Actually read the readings." "Make flashcards with essential information e.g. one for process economics (So much easier to refer to when taking the prelim. BUY A BINDER NOW." "Do your part in trying to learn the material in the course (do the readings, go to lecture, attend office hours, etc) and it will eventually make sense. Even if it makes sense after the final exam! Strive to learn the material not to get an A. If you learn the material, you will do well." "The class can be useful in determining whether or not to become a ChemE major; carefully analyze your performance throughout the semester." "Start the homework early in the week! (As early as possible.) Read the book! Pay attention in class! (sit near the front.)" "Organize every homework and calculation session exercise! Reworking tough problems is a good way to study for exams." "Keep your homework and exercises well organized!" "Don't be deterred by the time commitment. It's really not that long or hard. If you don't know if you want to be a ChemE or you want to make sure you can do the work, take this class! You'll also meet ChemE faculty and students who are really great and helpful." "Do not put off homework until the last minute, especially come prelim time." "Study hard." "Study hard. Don't think you can catch up after slacking. YOU CAN'T." "If you need extra help, ask for it. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you think they're dumb. The TA's and Professor Duncan are eager to help you. It's so much better to just ask rather than be confused on a subject. You'll regret it later if you don't seek help." "Don't drop the class if you don't do well on the first prelim." "Pick what interests you regardless of how well you'll think you'll do your first semester." "TAKE THIS COURSE. This is a difficult course that, if given the time & effort, you CAN succeed in. Also stay on top of your work. Do work first, be lazy later. " "Think positively. Go to office hours, even on your own, to solidify your understanding as well as pass on what you learned to other teams to truly solidify your understanding. Don't forget about Prof. Duncan's office hours." "It's hard, but the professor and the TA's really want you to succeed. The effort you put in is worthwhile, whether or not you choose to study chemical engineering after." "Go to office hours." "Put work into the class and it will be rewarded." "Be organized & be prepared to work harder than most freshmen." "Read chapters before lectures and work intensively on homework. Homework assignments are extremely useful." "Just take it." "Have lots of colors and straightedges." "Go to office hours."