EngrI 1120 Syllabus - Fall 2013

1 8/28 course objectives, course content, and course organization.
reading: chapter 1, pp. 1-6 and chapter 2, 2nd ed., pp 18-24.
styles of learning and teaching.
the chemical engineering curriculum - TA panel for Q&A.
  8/30 Concept: process design - unit operations and flow sheets.
Context: ammonia synthesis.
reading: chapter 2, 2nd ed., pp 18-24.
2 9/2 Labor Day - no lecture    
  9/4 Concept: process design - creative problem solving.
Context: separations strategies - purification of bromine.
process analysis, process design, and problem redefinition.
exercises 2.an.1, 2.9, 2.pr.2, 2.pr.3, 2.pr.4, and 2.de.7.
  9/6 an overview of chemical & biomolecular engineering.
reading: chapter 2, 2nd ed., pp 24-39.
homework: exercises 2.an.3, 2.13AB, 2.de.6, 2.20, and 2.28.
3 9/9 Concept: process design - devising chemical cycles.
Context: methane from carbon dioxide and thermal energy.
reading: chapter 2, 2nd ed., pp 39-48.
  9/11 Concept: process design - reactors for solid reactants and products, reactants in excess to simplify separations.
Context: methane from carbon dioxide and thermal energy, cont'd.
process design by problem redefinition and incremental evolution.
exercises 2.an.4, 2.de.1, and 2.17.
  9/13 Concept: process design - biomolecular processes.
Context: tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) synthesis.
homework: exercises 2.an.5, 2.de.2, and 2.de.8.
4 9/16 Concept: process design - biomolecular processes.
Context: a process to produce tPA, cont'd.
reading: chapter 3, pp 61-68 and Appendix C.
  9/18 Concept: process analysis - mathematical modeling based on fundamental laws.
Context: mass balances on processes without chemical reaction - desalination by freezing.
reading: chapter 3, pp 68-78.
process design and mass balances.
exercises 2.de.3, 2.de.5, 3.4, 3.8, and 3.9.
  9/20 Concept: mathematical modeling - mass balances.
Context: processes with chemical reactions - options for unreacted reactants.
homework: exercises 2.de.33, 3.de.6, 3.mb.2, and 3.14.
5 9/23 Concept: mathematical modeling - mass balances.
Context: options for unreacted reactants, cont'd.
  9/25 Concept: mathematical modeling - mass balances.
Context: design with informal mass balances - estimation.
reading: chapter 3, pp 78-88.
process design using informal mass balances.
exercises 3.21, 3.mb.22, 3.de.2, and 3.10.
  9/27 Concept: mathematical modeling - energy balances.
Context: heaters and heat exchangers
reading: chapter 3, pp 88-95.
homework: exercises 3.13, 3.27, 3.31, and 3.de.11.
6 9/30 Concept: mathematical modeling - energy balances.
Context: modeling a complex unit as several simple units.
  10/2 Concept: mathematical modeling - energy balances.
Context: energy balances to calculate mass flow rates.
reading: chapter 3, pp 95-101.
process analysis with energy balances.
exercises 3.29, 3.34, and 3.de.1.
  10/4 Concept: process economics - conservation of assets.
Context: chemical production and sales.
reading: chapter 3, pp 101-106.
homework: exercises 3.mb.12, 3.mb.19, 3.eb.3, 3.eb.5, and 3.de.20.
7 10/7 Concept: mathematical modeling - process economics.
Context: capital costs vs. operating costs.
  10/9 Concept: mathematical modeling - process economics.
Context: comparing process alternatives.
homework: spreadsheet exercises
mass balances with spreadsheets - bring your charged laptop.
  10/11 Concept: mathematical modeling - process economics.
Context: strategies for starting a specialty chemical company.
reading: chapter 4, 2nd ed., pp 201-211.
8 10/14 Fall Break - no lecture    
  10/16 Concept: process analysis - graphical modeling.
Context: mass & energy balances and the lever rule.
reading: chapter 4, 2nd ed., pp 211-221.
economics tournaments
  10/17 First preliminary exam (7:30-9:30 pm)    
  10/18 Concept: process analysis - graphical methods.
Context: a graphical model for the conservation of energy, cont'd. thermodynamic maps for binary mixtures.
homework: exercises 3.44, 3.48, 4.lever.1, 4.lever.9, and 4.14.
9 10/21 Concept: graphical modeling and phase maps.
Context: the lever rule and tie lines for flash drums. reading: chapter 4, 2nd ed., pp 221-226.
  10/23 Concept: process analysis - graphical methods for combined mass & energy balances.
Context: enthalpy-concentration maps for binary mixtures.
design competition - first year. graphical methods for energy balances, combined mass & energy balances, ternary diagrams.
exercises 4.lever.8, 4.lever.4, 4.41, 4.37 and 4.38.
  10/25 Concept: process analysis - graphical methods.
Context: combined mass & energy balances for binary mixtures.
reading: chapter 4, pp 154-160.
homework: exercises 4.20, 4.42, 4.de.9, and 4.32.
10 10/28 Concept: process analysis - graphical modeling.
Context: thermodynamic maps for absorbers and strippers. reading: chapter 4, pp 160-166.
  10/30 Concept: graphical analysis - operating lines
Context: multistage, counter-current absorbers and strippers.
reading: chapter 4, pp 154-160.
design competition - design competition - 1st year redux, but with contracts. graphical analysis with operating lines and solid-liquid phase maps.
exercises 4.9, 4.8, 4.13, and 4.35.
  11/1 Concept: graphical modeling with operating lines.
Context: osmotic extraction and matching graphical models to absorbers & strippers.
reading: chapter 4, pp 174-80.
homework: exercises 4.7, 4.ab.4, and 4.de.20.
11 11/4 Concept: graphical mass balances - operating lines for distillation.
Context: multiple, countercurrent flash drums and x-y diagrams.
reading: chapter 4, pp 180-85.
  11/6 Concept: graphical mass balances - operating lines for distillation.
Context: McCabe-Thiele method for distillation columns.
graphical analysis with operating lines - distillation columns.
exercises 4.di.2a, 4.21, and 4.31.
  11/8 Concept: graphical mass balances - operating lines.
Context: examples with distillation columns.
reading: chapter 4, 2nd ed, pp 249-55.
homework: exercises 4.25, 4.30, 4.de.7, and 4.de.18.
12 11/11 Concept: separating condensible and non-condensible vapors.
Context: condensing water from air by decreasing the temperature at constant total pressure.
reading: chapter 4, 2nd ed, pp 255-62.
  11/13 Concept: separating condensible and non-condensible vapors, cont'd.
Context: condensing water from air by increasing the total pressure at constant temperature.
graphical analysis with phase maps of pure components.
exercises 4.2, 4.ph.5, 4.ph.6, and 4.6.
Guided tours of unit operations lab.
  11/15 Concept: graphical analysis with phase maps for pure substances.
Context: examples of condensing condensible vapors from non-condensible vapors.
reading: chapter 5, pp. 236-45.
13 11/18 Concept: units and dimensions, dimensional analysis and scaling - geometric and dynamic.
Context: a pendulum.
reading: chapter 5, pp. 245-52.
  11/20 Concept: a method for dimensional analysis - Pi groups.
Context: dynamics of people walking.
reading: chapter 5, pp. 252-65.
design and analysis with graphical modeling - review.
exercises 4.de.5, 4.ab.7, and 4.di.1.
  11/21 Second preliminary exam (7:30-9:30 pm)    
  11/22 Concept: dimensional analysis: choosing core variables.
Context: the terminal velocities of spheres.
reading: chapter 5, pp. 265-73.
14 11/25 Concept: dimensional analysis: how to design a dynamically similar model.
Context: the terminal velocities of spheres, cont'd.
reading: chapter 5, pp. 273-86.
  11/27 Concept: examples of scaling and dynamic similarity.
Context: heating in microfluidics, explosive shock waves, ants throwing stones, and reptiles flying.
Thanksgiving Break - no calculation sessions
  11/29 Thanksgiving Break - no lecture    
15 12/2 Concept: applications of dynamic similarity.
Context: universal dimensionless correlations for fluid flow through porous media, gas compressibility, and trucks.
  12/4 Concept: course summary - part 1.
Context: design with mathematical modeling
dimensional analysis and dynamic scaling.
exercises 5.4, 5.8, 5.16, 5.pi.7, 5.22, and 5.ds.1. The Reynolds Number Song.
  12/6 Concept: course summary - part 2.
Context: design with graphical modeling and dimensional analysis.

Exercises assigned in weekly two-hour calculation sessions are worked in ad hoc teams of 3-4 students. The solutions are discussed during the calculation session and are posted later. Homework assignments are due one week after assigned. Reading assignments cover the material of the next lecture.