EngrD 2190 - Student Advice from Fall 2017

The EngrD 2190 students were surveyed during the final week of classes in Fall 2017. The last question was "What advice do you offer to a sophomore in this course in Fall 2018?" Here are their recommendations.

“Go to Calculation Session. It’s where you really learn the subject matter and get homework questions answered.”

“Try the homework on your own before meeting with your group.”

“Stay on top of the reading. It helps a lot and makes a difference during exam preparation.”

“Go to all lectures and discussions to really get a leg up in the class. Also, use and covet your colored pens.”

“Erasers and colorful pens.”

“Talk to your classmates and TAs when you need help.”

“Read the textbook.”

“Office hours help.”

“Do more exercises than recommended and redo lecture/discussion material.”

“Enjoy it! This is the material that matters the most.”

“Go to office hours.”

“Know your TAs. They can be super helpful.”

“Don’t let upperclassmen scare you out of the major because they will try to.”

“Keep track of you lecture handouts.”

“Read the textbook. Seriously.”

“Be present and attentive in lecture and calculation session.”

“Studying: lots of practice, consolidate relevant materials, make list of concepts and reminders.”

“If you don’t understand a topic, talk through it aloud, it forces your thoughts to focus much more effectively than listening to or reading the material.”

“Focus on the learning, not the grades: after working an exercise take a moment to reflect on the significance of the exercise and what you learned.”

“I was a critic of Professor Duncan in the beginning. Now, I am a firm believer that what he tells you is correct. Follow his method and trust him. He will (largely) lead you to the right path.”

“When doing homework with your team, meet during TA office hours. It’s easy to get your questions answered immediately and I think you learn more that way than just doing the homework yourself.”

“Start homework early.”

“Start on the homeworks and the assignments early.”

“Go to office hours.”

“Make a study guide summarizing what you learned for each prelim.”

“Take advantage of Calculation Sessions.”

“Buy a nice ruler.”

“Don’t start your first PChem problem set the night before it’s due.”

“Be organized!”

“Colorful erasable pens will help you keep up with Duncan’s colorful chalk.

“Go to Calculation Session!”

“Erasable pens are perfect for this class!”

"Don't attempt to buy green chalk, it could go poorly."

“Ensure that you like and work hard for this class - worry about PChem less since it won’t be important for your career.”

“Calculation Sessions are key for understanding the material.”

“Do the readings.”

“Review discussion section questions if you did not get it the first time.”

“Don’t outthink the room. Keep everything simple and straightforward and it will all work out.”

“Also, work with friends. It helps a lot!”

“Do a lot of practice problems.”

“Make friends.

“Pay attention and use colors.”


“Read. The. Textbook. Please.”

“Do not work with out of class friends in homework groups.”

“Find a good person or group of people that all are on the same level of ability as you to do your problem sets together. If they know more than you, you end up learning nothing and someone who knows less hold you back.”


“Have your priorities straight.”

“Do as much practice as possible! Situational learning is worth far more than memorization in this class.”

“Get erasable colored pens.”

“Keep your notes organized and do as much practice as you can.”

“Be prepared to not sleep.”

“Make sure to do all the homework yourself again after doing the problems in a group to make sure you actually are able to do the homework yourself in preparation for the tests. Also before meeting up in the homework group, attempt to do each problem yourself even if you can’t solve the problem. I can guarantee that your homework group session will be far more productive!”

“Practice, practice, practice! (Also - you actually do want a French curve.)

“A quality ruler and colored pens/pencils are your friends.”

“Learn Mathematica fast!”

“Do as many practice problems as possible to study for prelims.”

“Use pencil! If you only use pen, please at least use pencil on prelims.”

“Buy colored pens, read the textbook, and get to know your classmates because you’re going to be spending a lot of time in Olin with them the next 3 years.”


“Manage your time wisely. Otherwise PChem and all your other classes will sleep deprive you.”

“Ask to be placed in a random homework group. Working with friends is great, but take this chance to meet new people in the major!”

“Keep a good attitude and take interest in the material.”

“Buy some colored pens and whiteout!”

“Do a lot of practice problems, go to office hours, and get erasable pens.”

“The best way to learn from the homework is to try it on your own before you meet with your group.”

“Don’t fall behind during graphical analysis. Very hard to keep up if so.”

“Choose homework teams wisely and hold group members accountable.”

“The guy I dated in high school was interested in ChemE so I decided to do ChemE and now it’s too late to change. LOL Unless you really actually like ChemE, don’t do it. It’s a miserable time. Because do you actually care about distillation columns? Like really?"

“Always have your colored pens with you!”

“Find a design that works … then find one that works better.”

“Homework groups are very helpful and will help you learn the material well.”

“Manage your time wisely. This is a difficult class to catch up on if you fall behind.”

“What have you done to yourself, take this course seriously and don’t rely on open notes.”

“Homework groups work great, if you use them correctly.”


“Find people to suffer through this together. It’s not as bad with friends.”

“Read textbook before class.”

“You need to review class notes with a classmate on a weekly basis, outside of the homework group sessions, to prepare yourself for exams. Or better yet, complete a textbook section outline and compare it to class notes with a friend.”

“Seek help as soon as you fall behind and go to office hours!”

“In homework groups, if you don’t understand how your group did something, ask. Also, go to office hours when there is more than one TA.”

“Always ask questions during calculation session!”

“Take this class seriously! It seems easier than PChem but it is important.”