Career Planning Resources
Career update from Cornell ChemE alumnus Kavita Baba ('09)
An interview published in the the Shell Martinez magazine January 2012.
Career Development for Cornell ChemEs
ChemE job functions, top employers of ChemE graduates, and career resources.
Cornell Career Services
Cornell Career Services - conveniently located in Barnes Hall - can help you explore careers,
and advise you on graduate school, professional school,
a health career, and a legal career.
Engineering Co-op and Career Services
Engineering Career Services - conveniently located in 201 Carpenter Hall -
is tailored to planning a career in engineering.
Career Pointers & Interview Tips
Thoughtful and succienct advice from Brock Tuczynski ('02)
Career Map Planner
A template for assessing your current position, short-term goals, and long-term aspirations - recommended by Professor Vaeth ('94)
Book: Go Put Your Strengths to Work
A self-assessment, self-help guide recommended by Professor Vaeth ('94)