Physical Chemistry Internet Sites - Quantum Chemistry

This is a list of sources related to Quantum Chemistry. The list will continue to grow. Suggestions are welcome.

Quantum Concepts
Discussions of concepts in quantum theory such as Schrodinger's cat, the EPR Paradox, and wave-particle duality.

Particle in a box
Probability amplitudes and probability densities for a particle bound by infinite potentials. Note the effect of raising a barrier in the center of the box. Why does the center barrier affect the probability amplitudes at n = 1, 3, 5 more than the probablity amplitudes at n = 2, 4? (Hint: What do the probability amplitudes for n = 1 and n = 2 become for an infinite barrier at the center of the box?)

A Scanning Tunneling Microscope
A schematic of an STM Instrument.

Tunneling at IBM
Great pictures of surfaces obtained by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM).

Relocating Atoms with an STM
Using a Scanning tunneling microscope to manipulate atoms at a crystal surface.

Trigonometric Identities
Solving equations in physical chemistry sometimes benefits from a good list of trigonometric identities.

Integral Tables
Solving equations in physical chemistry often benefits from a good table of integrals.

More Integral Tables
Here's another table of integrals.

Integral Solver
Couldn't find the integral in one of tables? This site promises to solve the integral.

Bosons at Cornell
Cornell undergraduate studies bosons, wins coveted Marshall Scholarship.

More on Bose-Einstein Condensates
A tutorial on the properties of condensed bosons.

A Kronig-Penney simulation of Band Theory
An illustrative simulation of band gaps and probability densities as a function of potential heights and widths. Be patient while the applet loads. (Compliments of Physics 576 at Arizona State University.)

Atomic Orbitals
Images of hydrogen-like atomic orbitals, s through g, rotating gracefully on your screen.

More Atomic Orbitals
Shapes of hydrogen-like atomic orbitals, organized in grand tables such as n and l versus m, and five others. A useful chart of all the orbitals displayed on one screen.

Benzene Vibrational Modes
Benzene has 30 vibrational modes. Here are movies of 3 interesting modes, from the University of California at Berkeley.

The Principals of Quantum Chemistry
Photographs of some of the key contributors to quantum mechanics, quantum chemistry, and chemical kinetics.

Transition State Theory
An object with no internal energy (no vibrations, no rotations) bounces off a wall, converting translational energy to internal modes.

Measurement in Quantum Mechanics
Discussions of what quantum mechanical measurements mean, compliments of Paul Budnik (aka Mountain Math Software)

Fun Simulations in Physical Chemistry
It's just what it says. I recommend "Happy Molecules" and "The Ideal Atmosphere."

Bob's School of Quantum Mechanics
A VoTech institute (learn proton tune-up and quark realignment) with bold claims. "Quantum Mechanics eat steak."

Quantum Slacks
Scientists at Haggar capitalize on the uncertainty of menswear to create fashion duality, which they name 'Schrodinger's Pants.' Speculation on the existence of 'slachyons.'

Physical Chemistry of Peeps
Experiments in microwave absorption, laser-induced chemistry, dissolution, phase transistions, and physical deformations. Not for the squeamish.

A Natural Therapy Based on Quantum Mechanics
The role of quantum theory in this therapy is not obvious, except that 25$ disappears from your pocket and reappears in their pocket, perhaps by tunneling.

Hydrogen's True Ground State
Blacklight power uses a state of hydrogen atoms below the 1s orbital as a basis for generating energy. Impossible, you say? Well some folks in the US Patent office would disagree - see Patent 6,024,935 granted February 15, 2000.