Chem 391 - Course Content, Format, and Objectives

Physical Chemistry II consists of quantum chemistry and chemical kinetics. A strong background in these fundamentals is essential for chemical engineers, yet too often this fact is not appreciated. Quantum chemistry is sometimes perceived by sophomore engineers as interesting, but irrelevant. I revised the course to use applications as the motivation for developing the material. For example, we apply the quantum mechanical description of a 'particle-in-a-box' to describe scanning tunneling microscopy, the free-electron model of metals, conductive polymers, and the basis for the ideal gas law. The interaction of radiation with matter is traditionally taught to the end of explaining molecular spectroscopy. I also analyze, for example, global warming by greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, the beneficial absorption of ultraviolet light by stratospheric ozone, the mechanism of polymer photolithography, the design of night-vision goggles, and why a ceramic cup doesn't warm in a microwave oven.

Chemical kinetics is more likely to be considered relevant, but most physical chemistry textbooks are mired in archaic examples. For example, most textbooks use the mechanism of ethane dehydration (ca. 1910) to explain chain reactions. I substitute the consumption of ozone in the stratosphere by chlorofluorocarbons and nitrous oxide (from SST's). To understand chain-branching propagation reactions we analyze the Hindenberg and Challenger disasters. The classic example of selective bond-cleavage via photons is isotopic exchange in iodine chloride. I compliment this example with the contemporary process to ultrapurify silicon tetrachloride used to make optical fibers.

Physical Chemistry also provides experience in mathematical modeling and approximation, essential skills for chemical engineers. Each application is an exercise in translating a physical description into a mathematical expression. Students also practice estimating the consequences of invoking assumptions, such as the absence of electron-electron interactions, or the steady-state approximation for a reactive intermediate.

Many concepts in physical chemistry, such as electron orbitals and energy spectra are better explained pictorially. The critical features of these graphics often exceed my artistic talents at the board and/or a student's ability to transcribe. For most lectures I distribute templates of the lecture's key graphics. The students use these templates to guide their sketches, following my lead at an overhead projector.

During calculation sessions students work in groups at short exercises that reinforce the lectures and preface the homework. The solutions to the exercises are then presented by students in class. I have found this format is more effective than a question/answer session.